Sales Duration : 40 Hours

Certified Marketing Manager

This course will guide the existing Senior level Marketing professionals to align their task with the organization's goals, vision and mission and help

Sales Duration : 40 Hours

Certified Marketing Professional

This course will help the existing Marketing professionals to stream line their job roles and day to day operation in a structured manner and add efficiency

Sales Duration : 40 Hours

Certified Sales And Distribution Manager

This course will guide the existing Senior level Sales & Distribution professionals to align their task with the organization's goals, vision and mission and help achieve

Sales Duration : 40 Hours

Ceritified Sales And Distribution Professional

This course will help the existing Sales & Distribution professionals to stream line their job roles and day to day operation in a structured manner

Sales Duration : 40 Hours

Ceritified Sales And Marketing Manager

This course will guide the existing Senior level Sales & Marketing professionals to align their task with the organization's goals, vision and mission and help achieve them in an effective

Sales Duration : 40 Hours

Certified Sales And Marketing Professional

This course will help the existing Sales & Marketing professionals to stream line their job roles and day to day operation in a structured manner and add efficiency